Saturday, February 14, 2009

What drives a mom to drink

Well, today I was so excited about all the little Valentine activities I had planned for the kids and I to do during the day while daddy would be at work. And of course I always have a plan. However, today and most days...the plan never works. So I started off the day giving my children their Valentine gifts (which included lots of candy). So of course at 8:45am they wanted a piece of candy. Because it was a special day, I said they could have one piece. They chose a heart lollipop, of course. They couldn't choose something that was a little cleaner. So they proceeded to eat their lollipops. They drop them on the floor, rubbed them in hair, on their rocking chairs, and so on. However, this was just the first adventure of the day, so I wasn't bothered. I just laughed and cleaned up their mess. Next, we had to get dressed so we could go to the store. We went to the grocery store and bought small things that I needed for the day. However, this was an adventure with 2 two-year olds. They both had to sit in the back of the cart and of course that led to aggervating one another. They are screaming in the store. I am smiling at all the passer-bys that are thinking, "oh my goodness, why does she let her kids act like that." I sweetly smile and think to myself, " One day, you will see, when you give birth." I will never judge a parent in public again, as I once did when I didn't have children." So I leave the grocery store, during the trip I bought a bottle of wine for my dinner with Michael for the night. The thought crossed me as I was putting the bottle in the car, I might need this sooner than I thought.

So then we proceed to go to the rental movie store to see if I can find a movie for the night. However, Elyse begins to run around the store and pick up tons of movies, "I want this one mommy, I want this one." I go to pay for the rentals and my card I was paying with didn't work. So kindly said, no thanks. And we left, I had to get out of there.

So as I rush home, the children are crying because they want a snack. (Really they wanted more candy.) So right when I get home, a girl was coming over to close out her Premier Jewelry Show with me ( a side business I own.) And her and her sister came over. They had quite a big show, so I told the kiddies to go play in their rooms, as they usually would when we get home. But no not this time. It was time to show off. They wanted food, so I got them animal crackers. They threw them all over the floor instead of eating them. (Mind you, I had just mopped the floor 12 hours ago.) Then they are screaming and yelling. I could barely hear the girls talking to me, let alone help them make decisions. This lasted a good 20 minutes. I was a little overwhelmed. Once they left, I was shaking at this point because I was so frustrated with them and a little embarrassed. However, right when the girls leave, my sweet little children decide to go play quietly in their room.

I continued to put up the groceries, and I began to ice a cake that I was making for Valentine's Day. And I began making lunches, and baking muffins for the kids Sunday School party in the morning. All the while, my house is a mess, laundry is not even started, and I needed to study for Sunday School that I was teaching in the morning. I began to cry and ask the Lord why and how do mom's do it, how do they keep up with all the demands, and still maintain to look good. I want to be that mommy. I walked into by bedroom and I looked into the mirror, I was horrified. I hadn't had a shower, my clothes had stains on them. I just began to cry.

Elyse knocks on the door and says mommy, "I am hungry." So as I walked out of the room wiping my eyes, I knew my pity party had to be over. Ding ding, the alarm for the muffins is going off and two children are staring at me waiting for their lunch. So I finally get them their pizza. Elyse eats hers and Hunter begins to cry and complain, he doesn't want the pizza.

Finally, lunch was over and wiped down the children and put them to bed. I thought to myself, I don't want to do all of the chores I need to do while they are sleeping. I was still shaking from frustration from all of the events. Elyse and Hunter had both laid down for their naps, kicking and screaming. So I was feeling so disoriented. As I sat down, I thought, well it is the afternoon, I guess opening that bottle wine wouldn't be so bad after all.

As I begin to calm down, I figured I better not, or I might get caught up and drink the whole bottle:)

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

LOL! I can so relate, girl! I swear, the one that thing kills me is planning something fun for my kids and then having them whine and complain about it. :) It literally pushes me over the edge. Loved the entry about Elyse's prayer. A girl after my own heart! :)