Monday, February 16, 2009

loss for words

Today I went in to work to find out that one of my precious co-worker's wife had lost two out of three babies she was pregnant with. She went into preterm labor on Friday night. The little girl is holding on. They are super amazing people who deserve children more than anyone I know. They have been battling lots of struggles through their trials to get pregnant, and now they face another one. A HUGE ONE.

So my heart is heavy and I am reflecting on what truly matters in life. It is so easy to get caught up in the complaints of parenthood and not rejoice in the blessings. So tonight, I am thankful for every nose wiped, juice spilled on the floor, and every cry. I am so thankful for my children and my husband and I wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world.

Thank you Lord for a constant reminder to praise you for your faithfulness in my life. You are good even though I don't understand why things happen.

But tonight I pray for my co-worker and his wife. I pray for their family and all of their sweet children. Lord may your hand of comfort be with them. There just aren't any words....

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