Monday, December 29, 2008

gingerbread houses, santa, and christmas sweet lovin'

It does get cold in Florida sometimes...

brother and sister

wow, we actually got a picture of all of us

Lele (Hunter made this name up) and her new baby McKenzie

Hunter and his new truck

Leasey loves her Naw-Naw

Yummy, the smell of gingerbread cookies

our family gingerbread house

I was so excited about Christmas this year. It was the weirdest feeling of being the adult though. I felt like I was living out my life as a child again. I loved Christmas as a child. I couldn't really sleep the night before. This Christmas was the same. I couldn't wait for Elyse and Hunter to get up and see all of their presents from Santa and mommy and daddy. I dreamed about the excitement all night. We had a great week that week. We spent time with my mom, michael's parents, and then my dad and lori's on Christmas day. I am sad the break it almost over.

1 comment:

lisa said...

are those christmas jammies that elyse is wearing from baby gap? my-my wore those on christmas morning. how funny if they are the same ones. she is so grown up. what wonderful pictures. i love you.