Monday, February 19, 2007

Being a Mommy

What has becoming a mom meant to me? Well, I could say so much on this subject. It has shown me just a glimpse of the love God has for me and all His children. It has shown me a miracle beyond any I have ever seen. I understand grace like never before. I have experienced freedom and the key to living an abundant and full life that Jesus Christ died for me to have (John 10:10). I have experienced a new awareness of my own sin that I don't want to pass on to Elyse. I have experienced pain for another person... I never want her to feel pain, I want to take it away. I have become a better teacher and have a deeper love for my students and people around me. I know now that God wants to use my junk and turn it around for His glory. I have experienced a loss of sleep and how to function by the strength and joy of the Lord. I have learned patients beyond what I thought was ever possible. I have a new appreciation for family. I could go on and on. When the day is all done and Elyse falls asleep in my arms, I realize that I am content and would want to be nowhere else but in that moment!!! Thank you Jesus for Elyse, you make everything beautiful in your timing!!

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